Water Quality Factsheets

UConn Extension has been working to provide Connecticut resident with all the information they need to successfully steward their wells. Checkout the content on this page to learn more!

What Do We Test For?

Our program tests for for a handful of parameters. Click on each parameter for the corresponding fact sheet created by the Connecticut Department of Health.

What Do I Need To Know About My Well?

Scroll through and click on the Extension publications below for more information on how wells work and recommended well stewardship practices.

Arsenic Factsheet
Chloride Factsheet
Hardness Factsheet
Manganese Factsheet
pH Factsheet
Uranium Factsheet
Bacteria Factsheet
Copper Factsheet
Iron Factsheet
Magnesium Factsheet
Sodium Factsheet
Calcium Factsheet
Fluoride Factsheet
Lead Factsheet
Nitrate/Nitrite Factsheet
Sulfate Factsheet
