Water Quality Factsheets

Department of Public Health Fact Sheets

Our program tests for for a handful of parameters. For more information on what we test for and how to treat them, scroll through the resources below:


Arsenic Factsheet
Bacteria Factsheet
Calcium Factsheet
Chloride Factsheet
Copper Factsheet
Fluoride Factsheet
Hardness Factsheet
Iron Factsheet
Lead Factsheet
Manganese Factsheet
Magnesium Factsheet
Nitrate/Nitrite Factsheet
pH Factsheet
Sodium Factsheet
Sulfate Factsheet
Uranium Factsheet


Link to educational workshop video

Water Treatment Options

Knowing about contaminants is one thing, but treating them is another. Read through this guide created by the Virginia Household Water Quality Program for more information about the different options available to treat your water.

3 Stage Filter
Household Water Treatment

Testing Facilities in CT