• Smooth lake water reflecting trees
    Student Photo Contest Winner - John Baumgartel
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Current Streamflow Conditions

Current streamflow conditions in Connecticutstreamflow legend

Current streamflow conditions across Connecticut. Visit the USGS website for detailed information and interactive map.

Drought Monitor Map

Scenic water view

Drought conditions across Connecticut. Visit the Drought Monitor website for real time drought information.

EPA Water Quality Assessment

Scenic water view

Information on water quality and watersheds across Connecticut. Visit the EPA Water Quality Assesment website for detailed information.

Scenic water view

News and Information

Download the Summer 2023 CTIWR Newsletter.

2023 Newsletter

Scenic water view

Resources for Residents

Useful resources and information for the general public.


Volunteer Map

Get Involved

Find volunteer opportunities to protect the waters in your area.


Scenic water view

CT State Water Plan

Information about the CT State Water Plan and CT Water Planning Council.

Read Plan